Logan's Play Action Plans
Logan has a city-wide play-plan, created by the community for the community.
This plan is having joyful and lasting impacts on the health and wellbeing of Logan children and their families.
Logan Together and the Australian Institute of Play partnership to support Logan children, families and community member to co-design and co-create the 2022-2025 Play Action Plans . Widespread effort to consult Logan children on place-based considerations on supporting them to be able to play, every day, where they live.
The foundation of these plans are from an extensive child voice consultation with 199 Logan Children from 31 Logan suburbs. At the 2021 Childhood Summit, 89 adults took part in listening to the voices of children and drafting the 2022 to 2025 Logan Play Action Plan. After the Summit, the 2022 to 2025 Logan Play Action Plans were signed-off by Logan children, and work began to bring the Logan Play Action Plans to life and make Logan the Most Playful City in the World!
Eleven priority areas were identified to make Logan the most Playful city in the world. As a result of the Logan Play Action Plan listed below, a multitude of play efforts across Logan have been inspired and are unfolding for the Logan community.
Logan's Play Action Plans
1. Follow current research
2. Co-design with children/ incorporate
child voice
3. Increase community connections
4. Increase play education
5. Create free play events
6. More loose-parts play
7. Increase access to playgrounds & play spaces
8. Increase intergenerational play
9. Create more neighbourhood play networks
10. Create community playboxes
11. Increase social media on play